Boris will rip the heart out of rural communities if he does not lift lockdown on pubs

Posted: February 16th 2021


A slightly different story with a covid-spin. This reminds us it is very important for us to consider community alongside personal well-being, it tells us:

The warning comes after Downing Street was forced to scotch claims that it intended to allow pubs to reopen in April but not be allowed to serve alcohol until May. But landlords across England have told the Sunday Express that existing restrictions designed to control covid in cities are killing off their businesses and threatening to end centuries of history in towns and villages. This includes ending the ban on them selling takeaway alcohol and the rule which means people must have a substantial meal if they order a drink.

Some in popular tourist areas are hoping that a return to summer holidays may provide a much needed boost but a Redfield and Wilton survey for the Sunday Express has revealed that 52 percent have already decided to stay at home this year while just 25 percent will go on holiday in the UK.

Phil Doyle, publican at the Three Tuns in Heddon near Hadrian’s Wall, is hoping for a return to the walkers and coach parties who visited his pub on the way to the historic attraction each year.

He became tithe free from the brewery last year but is now forking out thousands of pounds each month to keep the business afloat and believes he has until June or July when he would be forced to give up.

He said: “It’s not that we don’t understand the need for restrictions, we understand that coronavirus is very serious. We just want fairness.”